3 Quick Easy Steps To Automatically Save Your Text Messages To Your Google Drive

MyCRA Lawyers Helps With Compliance Issues | 1300 667 218
These simple apps will make meeting your compliance obligations so much easier…
What if I could show you one of the simple methods I use to make sure our Credit Repair Law Firm remains compliant – and you get it for nicks!
Hi, I’m Graham Doessel and I’m known for being the CEO of MyCRA Lawyers, Australia’s first and only Specialist Credit Repair Law Firm. I’m also known as a State Councillor for the Finance Brokers Association Of Australia, an advocate for Men’s Health, and a Champion for the Consumer – Basically, I Get Good People Out Of Bad Situations.
That brings me to Compliance Issues, and you might like to ask yourself:
- Are your I’s dotted and your T’s crossed?
- Are all your ducks in a row?
- Do you have Audit Ready Confidence? Are you sure?
What about your text messages?
- How are you saving your text messages?
- The long cumbersome way of emailing them to yourself?
- Having to simply rewrite them word for word into your CRM or File notes?
If you’re like most people & love the convenience of SMS but hate the inconvenience of recording those SMS’s in your files for compliance, then I might have a solution you’ll love…
I found an app called IFTTT (If This Then That) which is supported by thousands of vendors and allows you to program your phone to do repetitive tasks to save you time.
Get and install IFTTT from the Play Store or the App Store
I created a program that copies my text messages I receive from clients etc., straight to a word doc in my google drive account – AUTOMATICALLY! (usually within a few seconds)
I created another program to do the same, but for the messages I sent TO my clients.
I now have one document with all the messages I sent to and received from that client, all time and date stamped, and all in order… Brilliant for auditing purposes or for copying and pasting to your existing CRM or file note system etc.
The program automatically creates a new document for each new client and adds the new text messages to that same document as they come in… Isn’t that so simple and so useful?
3 Simple Steps To Set This Up Are Available Here (We now use our own secure https://lph.la short link domain for your safety)
Step 1.
- Install IFTTT to your phone and create your account
- from the Play Store or the App Store
Step 2
- Go straight to the app for copying sent texts; then (only for Android today, but iPhone coming in a few days, comment below if you want to be notified of the iPhone version)
- Follow the prompts
Step 3
- Go straight to the app for copying received texts; then (only for Android today, but iPhone coming in a few days, comment below if you want to be notified of the iPhone version)
- Follow the prompts
It’s that easy! Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you want to know more about how to create the applets yourself – it’s really easy!
If you need a hand with your credit file, please call 1300 667 218 to chat about your situation, or to book your free 30-minute initial appointment.
Hi Graham, would love to know when the iPhone version is done. Great idea by the way. This will save a lot of time.