Mycra Lawyers - Credit Repair Industry Experts

Bad Credit Rating Removal Case Study

Client Profile:

Name: Daniel
State: QLD
Sex: Male
Age: 38
Married/Single: Married
Listing Type: Default
Original Creditor: Westpac
Current Creditor: Westpac
Paid / Unpaid: Unpaid
Listing Amount: $22,211
Commenced work: 27/11/2015
Default Resolution: 1/12/2015
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Credit Repair Background:
Daniel gave Westpac the wrong address when he signed up with them, and Westpac never investigated to confirm that they had the correct address. Daniel stated that he did not do this intentionally, but as this was never originally picked up.

What were any challenges with the creditor?
There were no issues with the creditor as we presented our case and  they responded to our requests in a timely manner.

Why was the listing removed?
Westpac removed the default as a result of the negotiations and communications between Westpac and MyCRA Lawyers.

Daniel was referred to our office by his mortgage broker. Daniel wanted his defaults removed as he was knocked back for finance. We managed to negotiate the removals of his listings in just 4 days and Daniel can now move forward financially. Congratulations Daniel!


Call MyCRA Lawyers today if you are struggling with bad credit and need a hand getting it removed fast.  Call 1300 667 218