Mycra Lawyers - Credit Repair Industry Experts

Bad Credit Rating Default Removal Case Study

MyCRA (Specialist Credit Repair) Lawyers Client Profile:

Name: Robyn*
State: NSW
Sex: Female
Age: 33
Married/Single: Single
Listing Type: Commercial Default
Original Creditor: BOQ
Current Creditor:
Paid / Unpaid: Unpaid
Listing Amount: $1,048
Commenced work: 26/03/2018
Default Resolution: 04/09/2018
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Credit Repair Background:
Due to a Fair-Work Tribunal action, Robyn’s company could not trade meaning that she didn’t have enough money in her account for the final payments for her laptop.

What were any challenges with the creditor?
BOQ argued the default was valid and they refused to remove the default listing on receipt of payment, but would update the listing to paid in accordance with Equifax requirements and on receipt of any agreed cleared funds.

Why was the listing removed?
MyCRA Lawyers raised breaches of NCC, ASIC Act, Debt Collection Guidelines and Privacy laws, we also further raised last known address grounds. Robyn agreed to indemnify BOQ and to pay the account in full if BOQ removed the listing. BOQ then agreed to remove the listing once payment received.

Robyn engaged MyCRA Lawyers to investigate the likelihood of removal of a BOQ default listing on her credit file. The listing was a result of when Robyn spoke with BOQ over a year ago as she had numerous contracts with BOQ for various Apple products. The others were all paid in full and she was unaware that there was one which remained unpaid. Robyn only discovered the bad credit default listing because of a Veda alert. MyCRA Lawyers negotiated the successful removal of her bad credit default listing in 162 days. Robyn can now move forward financially. Congratulations Robyn and good luck!

Robyn’s* name has been changed to protect privacy

Call MyCRA Lawyers today if you’re struggling with your bad credit rating and you need MyCRA Lawyers to help you get it removed fast. Call 1300 667 218 now