Mycra Lawyers - Credit Repair Industry Experts

Bad Credit Rating Default Removal Case Study

MyCRA (Specialist Credit Repair) Lawyers Client Profile:

Name: Kristy*
State: QLD
Sex: Female
Age: 37
Married/Single: Single
Listing Type: Judgment
Original Creditor: Brisbane City Council
Current Creditor:
Paid / Unpaid: Unpaid
Listing Amount: $825.73
Commenced work: 30/10/2018
Default Resolution: 18/10/2018
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Credit Repair Background:
Kate* has an issue on her credit file as a result of an abusive relationship. For a 2 year period from November 2015 to September 2017, Kate* had delegated her financial responsibilities on her then partner while she focused on becoming a world champion and given the level of commitment necessary, she was not able to maintain contact with her creditors.

What were any challenges with the creditor?
There were no issues with the Plaintiff as client already had signed consent orders from the court.

Why was the listing removed?
The judgment was removed as Plaintiff consented to setting aside the judgment.

Kate* engaged MyCRA Lawyers to investigate the likelihood of removal of two listings on her credit file. The listings resulted from an abusive relationship and when her ex-partner took over, no payments where really made but under the guise that they were continuing as normal. Kate* only discovered the bad credit listings when she was later declined for finance. MyCRA Lawyers negotiated the successful removal of her judgment listing and Kate* is now a step closer to achieving finance. Congratulations Kate* and good luck!

Kate’s* name has been changed to protect privacy

Call MyCRA Lawyers today if you’re struggling with your bad credit rating and you need MyCRA Lawyers to help you get it removed fast. Call 1300 667 218 now