Happy New Year from MyCRA Lawyers. How can we make 2014 better for you? We can recommend our credit dispute and credit file consultancy services!
A shameless plug perhaps – but here’s why we’re doing it…
By Graham Doessel, Non-Legal Director of MyCRA Lawyers.
We want to tell you about one of our broker clients, who has just jumped in with us just before Christmas, and been over the moon with the results.
Up until now, this broker had been turning clients away who had bad credit. But he’d recently heard about our success from someone he trusted, and decided it was time to give us a go.
Why didn’t he start earlier?
Understandably, when you find out you or your clients have bad credit it can be hard to know what to do.
Many people in the past have been hesitant to consider having their credit file repaired.
And for brokers, there is a fair bit of reputation at stake sending someone off to do something you don’t know much about, and the last thing you want to do is threaten that.
Add to this the criticism that is floating around about credit repair, and some clients and their brokers can be reluctant to test the waters.
Since MyCRA Lawyer’s inception as an Incorporated Legal Practice focusing on credit disputes, fears have been alleviated for many who were watching credit repair with interest but trepidation, including our new broker client.
He sent us his first client, which he said after the fact was really just a test to see how we’d go.
His client had great success – the default on his credit file was removed in less than 2 weeks. His client will now be able to apply for the home loan at interest rates he deserves.
On top of that, and probably more importantly, the broker was really happy with how he and his client were treated by our staff – including the advice that was given, and the follow up that was provided during the course of the credit repair.
His great experience meant he will be referring any other clients he comes across who have bad credit to us. He no longer has to turn them away, and he has found a firm whom he trusts, and whom he trusts with his most important asset, his clients.
If you are also watching with interest, curious to learn about credit repair but afraid to test the waters…jump in and find out whether you or your clients might be suitable for credit repair with our law firm – focused on credit file consultancy and credit disputes.
The assessment stage is quite rigorous, so you can be sure if we do decide to take the case on, we have a strong reason to go in and fight for that credit listing’s permanent removal from your credit file.
Call MyCRA Lawyers if you have more questions about what we do. Ph 1300 667 218 and we can talk you through what’s involved as well as give more specific help for your case. MyCRA Lawyers are qualified to perform legal services.
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