Loans For People With Bad Credit Don’t Need To Be So Expensive…
With Just A Few Simple Actions, You Can Save Thousands Of Dollars Every Year In Reduced Interest!
Firstly, you should think about why you are searching for a loan for people with bad credit…

Loans for people with bad credit don’t need to be so expensive | Call MyCRA Lawyers for options | 13000 667 218
What are you needing the loan for?
Do you really need it now?
Can it wait a couple of weeks?
Do you really need it at all?
Okay, let’s assume you have thought about the questions listed above and you’ve answered that you still need the loan, and that you need it soon, but not today. GOOD!
Just by being able to delay a little gives you the opportunity to look around a little bit longer and check your options. Just a little bit of research now could save you thousands of dollars in interest each and every year.
So, what are your options?
- You could apply for a GE credit line card and pay up to 34.5% interest (see this story – ); or
- You could freak out at these ridiculously high fees; or
- You could have your bad credit rating repaired and get a 7% loan.
Our Bad Credit Loan Comparison Calculator (below) shows you the massive difference it’ll really make.

MyCRA Lawyers Bad Credit Vs Clean Credit Comparison Calculator shows you how you can save a massive $153.70 per month or $9,221.78 in total savings just by getting your bad credit repaired before you apply for your $10,000 personal loan.
In the example above, with a simple $10,000 loan, with bad credit you’ll pay a staggering $351.71 per month, but after MyCRA Lawyers helps you with your Credit Rating Repair, you’ll only pay $198.01 per month.
That’s saving you a MASSIVE $153.70 EVERY MONTH – Total Savings Of $9221.78 on just a 5 year loan… Even more on your home loan mortgage.
How to do it:
- Decide if you need to get the loan
- Call MyCRA Lawyers Toll Free on 1300-667-218 for a free, no obligation chat (or click the green chat button at the bottom of the screen).
- MyCRA Lawyers removes your bad credit and you apply for your low interest loan and save bucket loads.
It really is that simple – the sooner you call MyCRA Lawyers on 1300-667-218 to see if you qualify, the sooner you can be approved for your low interest, clean credit loan by your preferred lender.
If it’s after hours, on a weekend or you’re just too busy to call now, then you know you can send a simple message to MyCRA Lawyers and one of our friendly team can give you a call back at a time that is convenient to you for a quick confidential no obligation chat.
You can tell us exactly what happened that led up to your bad credit rating (as best you remember), and we can tell you exactly what your options are and how you can proceed to the next stage of your life, with a clean credit rating.
Fill in the quick form, it’ll only take you 22 seconds and you’re on your way.
“Thank you so much I will tell all my Doctor friends, family, and I will recommend them to you.”
“… for me impossible to get any loan, without your help …”
“… And Lauren Andrew, ahhh Phillip Anthony, Cory – they are all amazing, you know? I can’t tell you how beautiful the service was, it’s amazing, it’s changed my life. It’s changed my life and it’s saved me thousands of dollars because you know the bank wanted to give me 10% because of my credit file. My excellent, my credit history now, it’s back on track…” Dr Kamal Zgheib – Qld
Thank you so much for a great service that was professional and very prompt.
thanks a lot for stellar results on the client I referred Friday. Credit Card Default from a trigger happy major was removed in 3 days. Impressive
I would like to inform you that, after spoken to you yesterday, I called Veda and they told me that my credit default has been removed. I also ordered for my new credit report and indeed the Optus default listing was not there, plus my credit score went up 546 – 716%. I Just want to thank you guys for following up
Thank you
Thank you very much for your prompt handling of this matter. Thank you also to Corey who saved me a lot of to and throw (billing minutes) by quickly accessing my file for an up-to-the-minute update, supported by ‘NOW’ emails regarding progress, including clear understandable trust account billing.I found it very refreshing get have an ‘off the record’frank discussions drawing on the experience of the team to be absolutely golden! I was able to carry on with business, rest assured myCRA Lawyers had everything under control.
MyCRA delivered on time and on budget.
Top Job Guys!! I will gladly recommend MyCRA Lawyers to family and friends in the future
I contacted MyCRA Lawyers after being off work with an injury.
It started by missing a couple of small payments, power, phone then an existing loan I had.
Still unable to return to work, things started to compound exponentially and before I knew it I started getting calls from up to 3 different debt collectors 5 times a day.I felt powerless to do anything about it and decided to give Graham Doessel at MyCRA Lawyers a call. Within the first week Graham and his expert team had completely removed the $1000 debt but more importantly, the default listing from VEDA. Their high success rate of removing defaults, combined with their extensive knowledge of debt collectors not adhering to certain rules they must follow means the defaults can be removed quicker than you would expect.
I would certainly recommend their services, and can’t tell you how satisfied you feel when the burden is lifted.
Past results are no indication of future success.
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