Bad Credit Defaults Erased – Start Today From Just $497

MyCRA Lawyers Can Help You Get A Good Credit Score – Call 1300 667 218 to get started now.
Yes, by now you probably already know that most of the clients we take on have an up to 9 in 10 chance of having their default(s) removed.
You probably also know that there are other so called credit repairers out there that make lots of claims with little to no substance to qualify their claims – just lots of reports in the press about ‘Shonks’ and rip-offs etc. charging like wounded bulls at your clients expense.
MyCRA Lawyers is the ONLY Law Firm in Australia that is 100% focused and specialising in helping you and your clients navigate the minefield that is up to 8,000 pages of legislation that is relied upon to evidence the creditors errors in placing our clients unlawful default listings.

MyCRA Lawyers – Experts In Credit Restoration – Call 1300-667-218 now if you deserve a second chance.
Given you might know of MyCRA Lawyers level of expertise, the speed at which the defaults are removed (a million dollar default removed in just 4 business days, another default in just 18 minutes) and the historical success rate better than 91.7%, you’d probably be surprised to learn that we are probably the most cost effective and best value for money Law Firm that can permanently erase your bad credit listings from just $497 down today.
If you’d like to learn more about how MyCRA Lawyers can help you and your clients, then do yourself a favour and pick up the phone and call 1300-667-218 during Queensland Business hours and speak to one of my Solicitors, Paralegals or support staff that are here to serve you now.