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Company Services
Credit File Repair – Find out how My CRA can help you clear your credit file of all defaults, judgments and writs.Credit File Check – Get a copy of your personal credit file within 3 business hours!My CRA can get you a copy of your credit file within 3 business hours, and we can help you clear your credit file of any defaults, judgments or writs that may be listed. This will help anyone who is applying for loans or credit have a relatively clean sheet no matter what indiscretions may be have been on your credit file previously
Financial Services
What is my Credit File?Most people don’t know it, but every time you get a new mobile phone, or apply for a credit card, or buy a laptop or anything else on interest fr…
[More..]Could I be the Victim of Identity Theft?One of the most common forms of credit fraud is committed by ‘stealing’ the identity of another individual. Someone obtains your identity details and uses them to obtain credit for themselves, leaving you with the potential liability for this debt, a damaged credit reputation and the inconvenience of amme…[More..]
Credit File Repair
What is Credit File Repair?Simply put, if the credit file listing has not been added fairly, has been added incorrectly, or you believe it should not be there at all, then there is a strong chance it can be removed…[More..]What can MyCRA remove from my Credit File?We can remove any Default | Judgment | Overdue Account or Credit Enquiry that has been added to your credit file incorrectly or unjus…[More..]

We can help clear your credit file

If you are over 18 and live in Australia (Aust), in Qld, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS, WA, NT or the ACT, and you have credit defaults or bad credit, you can get your life back and get your credit file or credit report repaired, we are the fastest (Judgments removed in as little as 3 days) and the best priced known credit repair service in Australia. So, if you have ever asked the question, ‘How Do I Fix My Credit Rating?’, then you have come to the right place.


Read more: What We Do, Your credit File, Fix Credit Rating, Contact Us, Career