Refer Your Friend or Client Below

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When you add your details to the referrer section at the top and your friend or client’s details beneath that, both you and MyCRA Lawyers team will be emailed a copy of your referral.

Your details will then be automatically tagged to your client.  This’ll mean (as long as your client authorises us) we can keep you fully up-to-date and ensure your client is returned to you with a squeaky clean, shiny new credit file so you can write their loan.

    Your (Referrer) Details: Are you interested in being paid a referral fee for this referral? YesNoPlease call me to explain the details

    Your Client or Friends Details:
    What type of Issues are on Your Credit File: (Check all that apply)
    DefaultsWritsCourt ActionsJudgmentsClear-outsEnquiriesUnsure
    How Many Defaults or Black Marks does your Client have?

    Contact My Client...
    Directly on the number provided; orPlease contact me first to discuss the details
    The Hour if PossibleA Couple Of HoursOne Business Day

    Upload Your Clients Credit File If You Have It.