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12 ways The LGBTQ+ Experience Financial Discrimination

By |2023-02-28T14:06:18+10:0028/02/2023|Credit Repair|

If you're a member of the LGBTQ+ community and you've been denied credit or experienced other issues while trying to secure a loan, you're not alone. In this post, we outline 12 of the most common challenges faced by LGBTQ+ people when seeking credit, from discrimination to a lack of legal protections. We also provide tips on how to overcome these obstacles and secure the credit you need. Read on to learn more.

Why Women Could Be Locked Out Of Home Ownership Simply Because They Are Female

By |2020-09-23T14:54:19+10:0010/09/2020|Credit Repair, General, media releases, Press Releases, Removals|

you are discriminated against based on: 1. where you live, 2. on the job you have, 3. how long you’ve been in that job and of course 4. how good you’ve been at paying your debts in the past...

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