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MyCRA Lawyers
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A Note from our CEO
Hi, I’m Graham Doessel, And I Help To Get Good People Out Of Bad Situations.
I believe the credit reporting system in Australia is grossly unfair to good honest Australians that may have run into a bit of chaos at some point. Even if you’d committed a serious crime, you’d still get to defend yourself before being convicted, but a creditor can default you, effectively sentencing you to five years Hard Labour in ‘Credit Prison’ where you are completely stuck with little to No Options or chances to move ahead Unless MyCRA Lawyers comes to your rescue.
Since 2009, I have made it my personal mission to help as many people as I can get ‘Early Release’ and where possible, a ‘Full Pardon’ by proving you should never have been sentenced (defaulted) in the first place!
We Are Professionals
Because Our Specially Trained Lawyers Can
Remove Virtually Any Credit File Black Mark On Your
Credit Rating – *Even If It Was Your Debt & It’s Still
Our Team
Graham Doessel
A little bit about Graham and what makes him happy Who He Is Today:
“I suppose this all stems from being ripped off in business in 1999, and then getting crappy advice from my solicitor to go bankrupt in 2000.“
After being ripped off but before going bankrupt, my entire life went to… Hmmm, “PUTTY”.
One of the lowest moments of my life was receiving a phone call from a creditor who I had absolutely no ability to pay, not so politely asked me the following question/statement:
“what sort of father are you, teaching your kids not to pay their bills?” The LOWEST moment of my life happened shortly after.
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