Dr Kamal Zgheib had a default that was proven to be placed unlawfully and was then removed in less than a month.

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Here’s the Transcription:


Hello Kamal speaking

good afternoon Kamal, Graham Doessel from Mycra Lawyers in Brisbane, how you going?

I’m good, good thank you. How are you?

Good, Do you have a couple seconds?

Yes,  I do actually have a patient in my room, I’m just printing something for him, just one moment.

Ok thanks

Ok, so ah, yeah, is there anything that I can do for you at the moment?

Absolutely, absolutely. Its um – are you talking to me or the patient?

ahh you haha

hahaha. Yeah, i just noticed the email that you sent through to lauren this morning


Thank you so very very much for your kind words that’s amazing

Thank you i really appreciate it

I was wondering if I used that in my marketing?

of cause

do you mind if i leave your name in there?

Yes 100%, but if you want me to send you the same email to you sir i have no problem with that

no that’s fine I’m happy to use the one I’ve got here that’s fine. Thank you so very very much and look if we can be of any help with anything at any stage in the future…?

Thank you so much i will tell all my doctors friends, family and I will recommend them to you, because for me –

it’s so easy to get bad credit isn’t it? (Yeah) It’s so easy to get bad credit and so hard to get rid of.

that’s right it was for me impossible to get any loan, without your help, cause you know I had two default unjustified and um I dunno if Lauren knew about it, I contacted Veda and the default has been removed completely, probably she doesn’t know yet haha, but i wanted to let her know, and my Veda score is the highest in Australia, its 911.

That’s fantastic

So yeah

So it’s just that default that was making it hard yeah?

Yes, my Veda score was 452 (yep) 20% bottom, you know, bottom, I mean sub zero, and now it’s 911, (yep) it’s the highest in the country. It’s in the 81 – 100%, so it’s the – it’s an excellent score – Excellent.

That’s amazing

So you’ve got below average, you’ve got average; you’ve got good, very good, and excellent. For mine its excellent thanks to you.

I’m very very glad to hear that very glad to hear that. (Thank you) So the only thing that I’ll block out of this thing is your personal email address



I’m more than happy for you to do that, yeah. And if you would like me to do some testimonial on YouTube for example, I’ll get my partner, shes in IT and ah she knows, well a lot about computers, I’m more than happy to organise a YouTube testimonial regarding umm you know… regarding the ahhh…. you know our chat and explaining what your firm has done to me.

G- well that’s – that’s absolutely wonderful yeah absolutely

And Lauren Andrew ahhh Phillip Anthony, Cory – they are all amazing, you know? I can’t tell you how beautiful the service was, it’s amazing, its changed my life. Its changed my life and its saved me thousands of dollars because you know the bank wanted to give me 10% because of my credit file. My excellent – my credit history now, its back on track

fantastic, congratulations Kumal that’s amazing

thank you so much sir, thank you so much. Thank you.

do you mind if i pull this phone call from our server and Ill just use your kind words in an audio testimonial as well is that ok?


ahh thank you so much

Thank you

Thank you Kamal, I really really appreciate it.

Thank you so much bye bye

Bye bye

Tom Uhlich Broker email testimonial


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