VANUATU… It is a beautiful place and the people are some of the warmest, most friendly people I have ever encountered..
Yesterday we did a tour of Pele Island. Prior to leaving the main Island (Efate), we stopped at a local supermarket and were asked that, if we could afford it, to buy a few books and pencils etc. for the school kids as they don’t have much… We bought a few items and were on our way.
The island was beautiful and the snorkeling was breathtaking… (pardon the pun..)
Then we walked 600m through a jungle track to the local primary school that services the 4 vilages on the island.. There were 72 children at the school and they were amazing..
They sang 4 songs for us with the power of professionally trained performers.. absolutely amazing…
Our tour guide, Morris (from Evergreen Tours) is a local from the island and was a support teacher at the school for a number of years.. He showed us the facilities at the school which included the 1 (one) text book that the teachers work out of for the grades 5 and 6 kids.. it was many years old and pages 1 – 14 were missing…
We finished our look around the school grounds and handed our megre offerings of the few books and pencils to the head teacher.. and left..
Today we went shopping and have been trying to find a few extra things (more exercise books, pencils, dictionaries etc) for the kids and have the realisation that we may make a small difference but how much we take for granted in good old Australia…
Most locals make approx $1.50 – $3.00 per hour and yet the prices are higher than in AU.. they do everything with the biggest, warmest genuine smiles I have ever seen..
Most of the clients that you (Our brokers and referrers) refer to MyCRA either didn’t know they had defaults or didn’t realise the implications of having the defaults before you explained it to them. In some cases, this new knowledge has cut them deep and it takes a little while for them to come to terms that they don’t have the same options as someone with clean credit.. A few kind words and a friendly smile can make a huge difference..
Just a quick reminder that I am making myself available to groups to do presentations on credit rating repairs and how a broker / referrer can make more money and settle more loans.. If you have a group of 50 or more that you think would benefit from a quick 20 – 30 minute presentation followed by question time, please email me in and we will try to slot you in..
I have learnt a lot from these wonderful people and it will stay with me for a lifetime..
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