Understanding the process of credit file default removal is something MyCRA Lawyers can help you with.
MyCRA Lawyers has a team of experts dedicated to removing any defaults or black marks from your credit rating, waiting to help you get started on the path to your clean credit future.
In short, the process is as follows:
- Firstly you engage MyCRA Lawyers to help fix your credit rating
- MyCRA Lawyers contacts your creditor(s)
- MyCRA Lawyers audits your creditors files and compares them with up-to 8,000 pages of legislation looking for legislative or compliance errors.
- when we find these errors it may deem the bad credit default unlawful and require immediate removal.
- MyCRA Lawyers advises your creditor of the breach
- MyCRA Lawyers works with you and your creditor to ensure the default is completely removed from your credit rating
- You happily grab your mobile phone and shoot a selfie video testimonial telling the world how good MyCRA Lawyers is [grin]
- You then go on to apply for your home loan (Congratulations on getting your family the home they deserve.)
If you’re ready to get started, click here to safely deposit funds into our Legal Trust Account.