Press Release

churningChurning – who says it’s bad?

12 April 2013

Churning for self interest is without question a highly unethical practice for a broker to perform, but a consumer advocate says when it comes to expensive credit, there can be such a thing as an ethical churn.

CEO of MyCRA Credit Rating Repair, Graham Doessel says for clients who are currently sitting in a high interest loan, there are potentially tens of thousands of dollars which can be saved by their broker turning their loan over to mainstream credit, and he says it can happen easier than many brokers think.

“It is often thought that if a client has bad credit, it is meant to be there, when in reality mistakes are extremely prevalent in credit reporting but it has in the past been difficult for individuals to make a case to dispute their credit listing,” Mr Doessel says.

Traditionally clients with bad credit are steered by brokers towards the non-conforming loan market – but Mr Doessel argues they should first be given the right to have their credit listings assessed for compliance with current law.

“A professional credit repairer will conduct an audit-like investigation on the client’s credit file – and in most cases there are compliance issues or out and out mistakes which can see the listing proven unlawful and be required to be removed from the credit file,” he says.

He says this practice has seen his clients save thousands of dollars just in interest alone on a home loan.

Comparison Table $400,000 loan over 30 years

Repayment time frame Min. repayment on interest rate 10.5% Min. repayment on interest rate 6% Difference in interest paid.
Monthly $ 3,658.96 $ 2,398.20 $ 1,260.76 
Weekly $ 843.97 $ 553.05 $ 290.92 
Yearly  $43,907.52 $28,778.40 $15,129.12

Over an average three-year period in a non-conforming home loan a client with a $400,000 loan could be paying over $45,000 extra in interest.

Mr Doessel says in these instances it is not only ethical for brokers to churn their clients, but they almost have an obligation to do so.

“When we consider these figures, brokers are almost ethically obligated to ensure that no clients are paying this extra interest unnecessarily – which could involve going back through client databases and uncovering some of the basic circumstances surrounding the bad credit, or even more basically – by sending bad credit clients for a credit repair assessment.”

“In the past we’ve found clients who are given that option to save themselves so much money are pretty grateful, they’re more likely to give brokers repeat business or to refer – and the advantage to using a broker becomes really evident to them,” Mr Doessel says.


Please contact:

Graham Doessel – CEO Ph 3124 7133

Lisa Brewster – Media Relations

Ph 07 3124 7133

MyCRA Credit Repair 246 Stafford Rd, STAFFORD Qld

MyCRA is Australia’s number one in credit rating repairs. We permanently remove defaults from credit files. CEO of MyCRA Graham Doessel is a frequent consumer spokesperson for credit reporting issues and is a founding member of the Credit Repair Industry Association of Australasia.

Image: suphakit73/