Our clients prefer to know exactly how much it costs before they get started.

So we created a very simple Fixed Fee Guarantee.

You pay just one low fee into our Legal Trust Account, and that’s all you’ll pay to have MyCRA Lawyers use all of our Legal Power and Might to investigate, audit and uncover all the legislative and compliance breaches to prove your bad credit listing is unlawful, and require its immediate removal.

We can quote you a fixed fee just as soon as we can take a look at your Equifax or Illion Credit Files (preferably both).

We can also help you get a copy of your credit files quickly and easily while you’re on the phone – Call 1300 667 218 now to ask questions or to Get Started Now!

Did You Know that about a third (1/3) of our clients have received news of their successful bad credit default removal resolution in seven (7) days or less… Imagine you receiving that amazing news by next week…

credit repair means freedom | Call MyCRA lawyers now 1300 667 218

Our clients have seen Huge Home Loan Interest Savings.

Here are three actual client scenario’s:


Client 1:

family-renovation | MyCRA Credit Repair Lawyers - 1300 667 218

Loan Purpose: Mortgage Refinance
Loan Amount: $416,000

Previous Lender (with bad credit): Better Choice Mortgages
Previous Rate: 6.18%

New Clean Credit Lender: NAB
New Rate: 2.98%

Amount Saved: $13,312 per year since 2019

If you want to work out your potential savings,
Click HERE to go to our Clean Credit v Bad Credit Calculator Page


Client 2:

build-a-big-home | MyCRA Specialist Credit Repair Lawyers - Call 1300 667 218 Now for clean credit

Loan Purpose: Mortgage Construction (Purchase)
Loan Amount: $524,185

Existing Lender (with bad credit): Pepper Homeloans
Existing Rate: 5.34%

Clean Credit Lender: Will Refinance to NAB once construction is finished within 6 months
New Clean Credit Rate: 1.99%

Amount Saved: $17,560 per year

If you want to work out your potential savings,
Click HERE to go to our Clean Credit v Bad Credit Calculator Page


Client 3:

Our First Home | Made Possible by MyCRA Lawyers - Specialists In Credit Repair - call now on 1300 667 218

Loan Purpose: Mortgage Purchase
Loan Amount: $668.944.82

Option 1 Lender (with bad credit): Pepper Homeloans
Option 1 Rate: 4.89%
Risk Fee: 1.25% ($8,361.81)

Option 2 Lender: (With clean Credit) NAB
Option 2 Rate: 2.08%

Amount Saved: (by choosing Option 2 after MyCRA Lawyers fixed credit) $18,797.35 per year interest and $8,362.81 in Risk Fee
Total of $8,361.81+$18,797.35 = $27,229.16 in the first year alone

These savings are made for up-to 5 years.

If you want to work out your potential savings,
Click HERE to go to our Clean Credit v Bad Credit Calculator Page


Please Note: This website contains examples, case studies, Google Reviews, and testimonials of our happy clients talking about their successes.

I am sure you realise that every legal case, every legal file and every legal matter is unique, different, and specific to that person and their circumstances.

If we think your chances of success are low, or sometimes non-existent, we will tell you.

In fact, before we agree to take you on as a client, we must see an up-to-date copy of your Equifax or Illion credit file (preferably both) and have a one-on-one conversation with you to make sure you are fully aware of your options and risks, even if that means not dealing with MyCRA Lawyers.

Remember: past results are not a guarantee of your future success.
