Mycra Lawyers - Credit Repair Industry Experts

Bad Credit Rating Removal Case Study

Client Profile:

Name: Peter*
State: VIC
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Married/Single: Single
Listing Type: Judgment
Original Creditor: CBA
Current Creditor: Panthera Finance
Paid / Unpaid: Unpaid
Listing Amount: $8045.14
Commenced work: 19/12/2017
Default Resolution: 20/04/2018
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Credit Repair Background:
Peter was in hardship and was out of work when he was defaulted by CBA.

What were any challenges with the creditor?
Panthera Finance stated they were unable to locate any error in the judgment process for the account, and Panthera Finance refused to remove the default judgment. Panthera Finance also rejected setting aside the Judgment.

Why was the listing removed?
MyCRA Lawyers drafted and lodged an OAIC complaint and also drafted ASIC complaint. Our Law Firm sent the proposed resolution to Panthera that if they agree to set aside the judgment, Peter will indemnify Panthera from all possible claims and will withdraw the OAIC complaint. Panthera agreed to this.

Peter had previously engaged a credit repair company to investigate the judgment but they were unsuccessful in removing the listing. He engaged MyCRA Lawyers as he believed a law firm would have a greater likelihood to remove a judgment from his credit file. The listing was the direct result of the time he was suffering hardship. MyCRA Lawyers negotiated the successful removal of his judgment listing in just 122 days. Peter can now confidently apply for finance. Congratulations Peter and good luck!

Peter’s* name has been changed to protect privacy

Call MyCRA Lawyers today if you’re struggling with your bad credit rating and you need MyCRA Lawyers to help you get it removed fast. Call 1300 667 218